donderdag 6 augustus 2015

Bodyline Wig058 Review

I'm normally not the kind of person to post reviews, but seeing as how a hard time I had at finding reviews for Bodyline's wig058 I decided to give it a go.

For those not familiar with Bodyline, it is a Japanese shop selling a variety of items, ranging from cosplay costumes and wigs to lolita clothing and wigs. Bodyline has been one of the places where people bought their accessories like shoes and tights. While they do sell lolita dresses and blouses the quality can vary a lot and I would advise to make sure the garment is of good quality either by reading reviews or visiting their physical store in Japan.
You can find the online shop here, there is currently a big sale going on as the site will soon be moving to another page. Shipping is free from a certain order amount.

I had always stayed away from Bodyline wigs, as I had heard some negative things about some of the wigs on the site. However, included in the recent sales were the ringlet wigs (not the one this review is about), being an old-school lolita I couldn't resist being that wig. I had also been wondering how a bob cut would look on me, so I bought wig058 to try it out.

Ordering and shipping went smoothly, it took roughly 1 week for the package to reach me.
I ordered the color lightbrown-4, which turned out to be pretty close to my natural blonde color.
The quality is really decent for a Bodyline wig, it is not really shiny, though I haven't looked at it in direct light. The fibers are okay, close-up you will easily see that it is a wig, but in pictures people actually believed I had cut my hair.
The only downside is that the ends don't curl inwards like on the photo. This might be adjusted by using some heat to re-style it, but I haven't tried it yet.
I've attached a photo of the wig worn by me, this was straight out of the package, so I haven't cut the bangs or tried to style the hair ends inwards.

Good luck with your next Bodyline order!

vrijdag 31 juli 2015

Busy, busy, busy

Hi everyone!

As you've probably noticed not much has been happening on my blogs. This has been due to various reasons, but the main one being me moving to Tokyo in September for a 6 months period to study at Waseda university.
I'm really excited and can't wait to settle in, but before that time a lot has to be prepared, so I haven't had too much time for writing.
I did upload some movies of our last vacation on youtube, so please take a look!
I will be using this blog for writing about my lolita experiences in Japan, my other blog Debly going East will be used to write about everything else noteworthy in Japan. I will also try to update my youtube from time to time, but I'm not sure if the internet connection in my dorm can handle it haha.
Voor de Nederlanders die nog wat meer over mijn dagelijkse dingen in Japan willen lezen, ik ga ook een bijhouden, geheel in het Nederlands!

Hopelijk tot snel!

donderdag 9 april 2015

Osharecon 2015

On the 14th of March the first edition of Osharecon took place. Osharecon is an event aimed at J-fashion, it offered a variety of fashion shows and panels. On top of that, there were multiple shows, a karaoke corner, J-fashion related vendors and a maid cafe.

As I was part of the lolita fashion show (shiro classic lolita) I arrived a bit early, and followed Renske to the back of the building, only to find out that I was standing in the vendor hall without anyone checking my ticket, oops. After we had found all the girls participating in the show we practiced for a while and entered the con. We were the first in line for the fashion shows, so after some short browsing we met back-stage.
The stage was a bit small, but we made it work and even got a group picture on it.
(picture from A Sure Shot)

After the show I went to check out the stalls and talk to friends. There was a television reporting walking around, followed by both a camera and sound man. I've heard some complaints about their rude behavior, but luckily they were pretty nice when they asked us some questions. I think we must have been interviewed for at least 30 minutes, but we were only visible on tv for a few seconds haha.

I sadly had to leave early due to not feeling too well.
Of course there are always some points of improvement after a first edition. First, there should be something done about the sound from the stage. When someone was preforming it was impossible to have a normal conversation on the other side of the room (it was all in the same room). My second point is also about the stage, it was tiny, you could hardly call it a stage. I'm not sure how hard it is to get a bigger stage, but if it is possible I would really advice getting a bigger stage to give everything more of a show feeling. Third, it would be nice if next time there were some seats. At this edition there weren't enough chairs, and while I was lucky I could borrow a vendor chair from my friend Cat, I wouldn't have been too happy if I couldn't sit while feeling ill. My final point is about the schedule. While there was quite a lot on offer I felt a bit bored half-way through, I don't think I would have been able to enjoy myself till the 'big' concert took place, an option could be to shorten the event or offer more things to do.

Even though it seems I have a lot of less positive points I really enjoyed the event and hope there will be another (improved) edition next year.
(picture from Miyako Studio)

woensdag 11 februari 2015

Swap a Bow

On the 18th of january Cat and I organized our comms annual christmas swap meet. The rules are simple people are given a name and wish list of another comm member and have to buy a present for a maximum amount of €20. Everyone gets together on a certain date and we unwrap the presents together.
This was the first year for us to organize it, and I believe that even though there is still some room for improvement we did a pretty good job.

The swap meet was held at Summer Tales Boutique, where we arrived a bit earlier to arrange seating and to make the food table ready.

Around 13:00 people starting to arrive and I tried to take as much outfit photos as possible (I love outfit photos), as everyone once again looked wonderful. After everyone arrived and was seated we started unpacking the presents.
(not all presents were there yet when I took this photo, once all the presents were put on the table it was completely filled)

I was really happy to see that everyone had put a lot of thought into their present. I was coupled with Nienke, who had a very clear wish list, so I had a pretty clear view of what I wanted to buy for her (people were also allowed to make something, but as I have two left hands I didn't dare to try). I started out by searching for a headbow or wristcuffs to match her beautiful new Victorian Letter JSK, sadly I couldn't find anything that was to my tastes or in the right shade of red. Thus, I turned my attention to another point in her wish list, cute teacups. One of my favorite brands for cute tableware is Blond Amsterdam, which our garden centre happened to sell. Here I found an awesome breakfast set whit cute images of various breakfast ingredients (like eggs and bacon).
Having found the present for my own secret santa I turned my attention to a new problem, the possibility of people not getting any presents. Cat and I had decided that we should have some spare presents in case there would be someone without a present, we had found some cute items as extra gift, but luckily in the end that was not necessary.

I got an awesome fake fur tola necklace thingie (I'm not really sure what they are called, but they are cute ^_^ ), which is great for this time of year and matches with a big part of my wardrobe. It was package in a present box that was filled with small fabric stars (that I accidentally sprinkled all over my neighbor) and came with a nice note from Nienke.

As the meet was coming to an end people took the opportunity to talk to each other or explore the Summer Tales Boutique store. All in all I believe it was a pretty great day and hope there will be another swap meet next year.

Bonus pic, my outfit -_^

donderdag 1 januari 2015

Lolita Level Up Quiz 2.0

Over at the F Yeah Lolita Blog there was a quiz posted to test your lolita level. I was pretty curious to see my own score, so I tried it out.

My score is 75, according to the quiz I'm an "experienced lolita"; "61-80 points is the realm of an experienced Lolita! You've probably been active in the fashion for a number of years, have a fairly large and diverse wardrobe, and have attended (and hosted!) your fair share of Lolita events. You're most likely well-known within your local, and online, communities. You're probably practically an expert on the fashion and have probably introduced, or at least guided, a few friends along the right path in the fashion. Your next step is most likely to do a closet cleaning or some wardrobe organization because you probably have a few years of accumulated clothes."

I actually did the wardrobe cleaning last year (though there might be 1 or 2 more dresses that will be sold this year), so I think the result is pretty accurate for me.

  • You have a favorite brand
  • You own a petticoat
  • You own multiple petticoats in different cuts and/or lengths
  • You own a parasol
  • You own an item from a brand
  • You own a novelty item from a brand (plates, mugs, stuffed animals, home decor, and other "non-wearables")
  • You own an item from Bodyline
  • You own an item from a Taobao brand
  • You own an item from a Western indie brand
  • You own an item you bought of eBay, Amazon, or a shady website and it came out okay
  • You've bought brand directly from their official store
  • You've bought a lucky pack
  • You bought an item in reserve
  • You own a complete Lolita outfit
  • You've worn a complete Lolita outfit in public
  • You've worn a complete Lolita outfit in public and it wasn't even on Halloween or at a convention

  • You've bought and sold on an online Lolita community
  • You've paid retail price for a rare secondhand brand
  • You've paid double the retail price for a rare secondhand brand
  • You've paid less than 20% the retail price for secondhand brand (ex: you paid $40 for a piece that originally cost $200)
  • You've bought from a Japanese auction
  • You've ordered from a shopping service
  • You wear clothes you've made for yourself
  • You wear a print you've designed yourself
  • You wear clothes you've had custom made for you
  • Have had brand pieces altered to fit your size or style
  • You've been wearing Lolita for over a year
  • You've been wearing Lolita for over 5 years
  • You've been wearing Lolita for over a decade
  • You have enough Lolita outfits to wear a new one every day for a week
  • You have enough Lolita outfits to wear a new one every day for a month
  • You've converted an interested friend to Lolita

  • You wear brand with your "normal" wardrobe
  • You don't have a "normal" wardrobe because you only wear Lolita
  • You know how to handwash your Lolita clothes
  • You know how to wash a wig
  • You've worn a wig, circle lenses, or false eyelashes
  • You've worn a wig, circle lenses, and false eyelashes all at once
  • You own a pair of rocking horse shoes
  • You own a pair of tea party shoes
  • You own a purse shaped like something ridiculous
  • You own an old school rectangle headdress
  • You own a bonnet
  • You own Lolita roomwear or pajamas
  • You own a Lolita item that was released this past year
  • You own a Lolita item that was released over 6 years ago
  • You own a Lolita item that was released over 10 years ago
  • You own every item released in a favorite print/series

  • You've worn something on your head that was never intended to be worn on a head
  • You've worn a trendy accessory (deer horns, halos, peignoirs, eyeballs, etc)
  • You've worn Sweet Lolita
  • You've worn Classic Lolita
  • You've worn Gothic Lolita
  • You've worn Old School Lolita
  • You've worn Boystyle
  • You've worn one of the lesser worn Lolita substyles such as Punk, Ero, Wa, or Guro
  • You know the difference between a JSK and an OP
  • You can name at least 5 prints
  • You can tell which items are from which brand just by looking at them
  • You can tell which items are from which brand just by looking at them, even if they're not a print
  • You can tell which year a brand piece came from just by looking at it
  • You've taken Lolita outfit snaps
  • You've traveled to visit a fancy looking place just to take outfit snaps
  • You've started a trend that others have followed

  • You own a Gothic & Lolita Bible
  • You own every single Gothic & Lolita Bible
  • Your picture is in a Gothic & Lolita Bible
  • Your picture is in a Gothic & Lolita Bible because you're a model for a brand
  • You own a Lolita sewing pattern book
  • You've made something from a Lolita sewing pattern book
  • You've seen Kamikaze Girls
  • You've read Kamikaze Girls
  • You've met Novala Takemoto
  • You've met Misako Aoki
  • Misako Aoki has made you an official Lolita ambassador
  • You've met one of your favorite Lolita designers
  • You've learned how to sew/craft just so you can make your own Lolita clothes/accessories
  • You've decorated your house/bedroom to match your Lolita wardrobe
  • Your Lolita wardrobe is part of your decor (ex: you display your hats on a shelf, keep a mannequin dressed up on display, etc)
  • You've been interviewed for a newspaper/magazine article for wearing Lolita

  • You've made friends through Lolita
  • You've made friends in foreign countries through Lolita
  • You've celebrated International Lolita Day
  • You have a separate facebook profile just for Lolita
  • You're known by a different name when you wear Lolita
  • You've twinned with someone
  • You've tripleted with people
  • You've been part of a group of clones
  • You've taken purikura in Lolita before
  • You have a purikura app on your phone
  • You've had to explain what you were wearing to a stranger
  • You've been called a princess by small children
  • Old ladies have complimented you and remarked how nice it is to see young people dressed so nicely
  • You've been called Bo-Peep
  • You've been asked if you were in a play
  • You've been asked what you were cosplaying as, or compared to an anime character

  • You're a member of online Lolita communities
  • You're active in online Lolita communities
  • You mod an online Lolita community
  • You mod an online community of over 1,000 members
  • You've attended a meetup
  • You've attended a tea party meetup
  • You've attended a brand sponsored tea party
  • You've traveled multiple hours to attend a meetup
  • You've hosted a meetup
  • You've hosted over 6 meetups
  • You've hosted a meetup with over 20 attendees
  • You've been to a Lolita swap meet
  • You've attended a large scale Lolita event or convention
  • You've been on staff at a large scale Lolita event or convention
  • You've been to a Lolita panel at a convention
  • You've hosted your own panel at a convention

  • You've seen a Lolita fashion show
  • You've modeled in a Lolita fashion show
  • You've seen a brand fashion show
  • You've modeled in a brand fashion show
  • You own your own Lolita clothes/accessory line
  • You've hosted your own brand's fashion show
  • You have visited a Lolita shop
  • You've traveled to another country just to buy from Lolita shops
  • You own and run your own Lolita shop
  • You're friends with a brand shop girl
  • You are a brand shop girl
  • You run a Lolita blog (traditional, tumblr, vlog, etc)
  • You run a Lolita blog with over 1,000 followers
  • You have been called "e-famous"
  • You have been called "e-infamous"
  • You've been featured on TV for wearing Lolita